This article outlines the basic configuration required to use MailChannels Outbound Filtering for outbound email. The configuration of a new send connector is straightforward. The associated configurations, which control access to the connector, may be complicated.
You must have a working installation of Microsoft® Exchange® 2010 configured for client access and able to send messages to the public internet. Configuration of a send connector in the Exchange Management Console is required.
For more information regarding Send Connectors, check out this TechNet documentation on the subject.
The steps for sending email through MailChannels are provided below:
Login to your Exchange server or a server that has the Exchange Management Console installed for administrative purposes.
Go to Start > All Programs > Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 and click on the Exchange Management Console item.
Expand the Organization Configuration list and select Hub Transport.
Click New Send Connector in the Actions sidebar.
Note: Exchange comes configured with a generic Send Connector named Default. This provides SMTP services to route messages to the internet. The Address field is notated with an asterisk (*).
Name the Send Connector and select Internet from the Intended Use pull down. This allows integration with an authenticated SmartHost and adds the default send permissions required by Exchange 2010 to route messages through an external host outside the domain forest.
Click Next.
Click Add and specify the allowed address space to which the connector can send messages. If you want to send to anyone, then you would insert an “*” in the Address field.
Click Next.
On the Network Settings page, select Route mail through the following smart hosts.
Click Add.
Select the Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) item and type
Click Next.
In the Configure smart host authentication settings page, select the Basic Authentication option and check the Basic Authentication over TLS checkbox. Enter your MailChannels username and password.
Click Next.
If you only have one Exchange server, it should automatically appear. If you want to use another server(s) in your domain click Add to locate the servers you want to allocate to this connector.
Click Next.
Verify your settings. When ready to proceed, click New.
If the configuration completes correctly, you will receive positive notification. You can then click on Finish.
Once you have completed installation of the connector, you will need to configure your server(s) to allow limited access to the new send connector. You can read more about Send Connector permissions.
Adding XHeaders
An XHeader transport agent must be built in order to insert XHeaders in Exchange. A different build of the transport agent is required for each of your Exchange builds.
For more information on building an XHeader transport agent, please refer to the XHeader development page.
Note: Exchange 2010 Transport Agent SDK has been retired and removed from the Microsoft downloads area as this version has been sunset and is no longer supported. Exchange 2013 and later version files are available. If you must continue with Exchange 2010, please open a support ticket and let us know that Exchange 2010 is being used and we can work with you to configure Exchange 2010 in a manner that will work best when relaying outbound messages through our Outbound Filtering solution.
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