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Setting up for SmarterMail

In order to relay mails through MailChannels Outbound Filtering, your SmarterMail Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) must authenticate with MailChannels using the credentials provided to you and add the authenticated sender header to track the sender reputation. This article provides instructions for setting up authentication.

SmarterMail 10 does not provide the capability of adding X-Headers. This may result in inaccurate user detection and behaviour tracking.

SmarterMail 11 offers the capability of adding X-Headers.

Smarter Mail 10

This section provides instructions for configuring SmarterMail 10 to enable authentication with MailChannels.

  1. To create a new outgoing gateway for “”, navigate to Settings > Routing > Outgoing Gateway.
  2. For the Server Address field, enable this and add “” as the address of the gateway server. This field must be enabled.
  3. Be sure the port is set to 25.
  4. For the Auth Username field, enter the username provided to you by MailChannels. The authentication enabled checkbox must be checked.
  5. For the Auth Password field, enter the password provided by MailChannels.
  6. For the Encryption field, select TLS.


Smarter Mail 11

This section provides instructions for configuring SmarterMail 11 to enable authentication with MailChannels and inserting the authenticated sender headers. 

  1. To create a new outgoing gateway for “”, navigate to Settings > Routing > Outgoing Gateway.
  2. For the Server Address field, add “” as the address of the gateway server. This field must be enabled.
  3. Be sure the port is set to 25.
  4. For the Auth Username field, enter the username given to you by MailChannels. The authentication enabled checkbox must be checked.
  5. For the Auth Password field, enter the password provided by MailChannels.
  6. For the Encryption field, select TLS.

Enabling X-SmarterMail-Auth header

MailChannels Outbound Filtering requires the authenticated sender header in order to track the sender reputation. To enable the header in SmarterMail 11, go to Settings > Protocol Settings > SMTP Out.

Enable X-SmarterMail-Auth header by selecting the field to Append authenticated as header for outgoing messages.



Smarter Mail 16.x

This section provides instructions for configuring SmarterMail 16.x to enable authentication with MailChannels.

  1. Log into SmarterMail as the system administrator.
  2. Click the Settings icon.
  3. Click Gateways / Failover in the navigation pane.
  4. Click the Outgoing tab.
  5. Click New in the content pane.
  6. Enter Server Address as ""
  7. Enter the port numbers as 25. You can also use the alternative SMTP ports 587 or 2525
  8. For the Encryption field, select TLS.
  9. Set the Status as "Enabled" and priority as "Normal".
  10. Turn ON the "Enable Authentication" and enter your Mailchannels's SMTP-User and Password.
  11. Click Save.



Enable X-SmarterMail-Auth header:

  1. Click Protocols in the navigation pane.
  2. Enable the option "Append field to Append X-SmarterMail-Authentication As Header" under "SMTP OUT".





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