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Exim: Exclude sender & receiver domains from routing through MailChannels Outbound Filtering

It might be necessary to exclude certain sender and receiver domains from being routed through MailChannels Outbound Filtering. This article lays down the procedure to implement this using a file that contains the list of domains. 

Excluding Specific Receiver Domains
(Exim version 4.89 instructions only - Click here)

1) Create a file /etc/excludereceiverdomains.

Include all the domains to exclude in this file in the following format

2)Add the following line in Section: CONFIG configuration box:

domainlist exclude_receiver_domains = lsearch;/etc/excludereceiverdomains

3) Add the following lines in Section: ROUTERSTART configuration box:

domains = !+exclude_receiver_domains: !+local_domains

senders = !*@+exclude_sender_domains

Following is an example of how this will appear in the configuration file:

driver = manualroute
domains = !+exclude_receiver_domains: !+local_domains
senders = !*@+exclude_sender_domains
transport = mailchannels_smtp
route_list = "* byname"
host_find_failed = defer

4) Once you have completed and saved all changes to Exim’s configuration files, you will need to restart it to activate those changes using the following command:

$ /etc/init.d/exim4 restart

Excluding Specific Sender Domains

1) Create a file /etc/excludesenderdomains.

Include all the domains to exclude in this file in the following format:


2)Add the following line in Section: CONFIG configuration box:

domainlist exclude_sender_domains = lsearch;/etc/excludesenderdomains

3) Add the following line in Section: ROUTERSTART configuration box:

senders = !*@+exclude_sender_domains

Following is an example of how this will appear in the configuration file:

driver = manualroute
domains = ! +local_domains
senders = !*@+exclude_sender_domains
transport = mailchannels_smtp
route_list = "* byname"
host_find_failed = defer

4) Once you have completed and saved all changes to Exim’s configuration files, you will need to restart it to activate those changes using the following command:

$ /etc/init.d/exim4 restart

Excluding Specific Sender Domains for Exim version 4.89

It has also come to our attention that the above method is not effective in the case of Exim version 4.89. For this version of Exim, please make use of the following option to exclude domains instead of using "/etc/excludesenderdomains" from step 1 and 2 above.
1) Add the following line in Section: ROUTERSTART configuration box:

senders = !: !*@domain1.tld : !*@domain2.tld

The following is an example of how this will appear in the configuration file:

driver = manualroute
domains = ! +local_domains
senders = !: !*@domain1.tld : !*@domain2.tld
transport = mailchannels_smtp
route_list = "* byname"
host_find_failed = defer

2) Once you have completed and saved all changes to Exim’s configuration files, you will need to restart it to activate those changes using the following command:

$ /etc/init.d/exim4 restart


Excluding Mailer-Daemon mails from Relay

Update the following line in Section: ROUTERSTART configuration box:

senders = !: !^mailer-daemon@.* 

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    Eric Merkel

    I believe you have an error where you refer to "exclude_receivER_domains" and then reference "exclude_receivING_domains". They should both be the same.

    Secondly, I believe the "senders =" line is expect an address list and not a domain list. I get the following error in my exim log after trying this: "unknown named address list "+exclude_sender_domains""


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    Sridhar Kakkillaya

    Hello Eric,

    Thanks for pointing out the error. It has been corrected.

    As for the second point, have you created the entry
    domainlist exclude_sender_domains = lsearch;/etc/excludesenderdomains

    Sender references this domain list.

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    Eric Merkel

    Yes, I did create the file /etc/excludesenderdomains and the domainlist exclude_sender_domains = lsearch;/etc/excludesenderdomains in the global config but from what I can read the error message is telling me that exim is looking for a sender list not a domain list.

    I have tried the following in the file.

    or making it a sender I formatted it as follows:


    Neither seemed to work but when I get more time I will attempt it again.


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    Veeble Softtech

    excludesenderdomains is loaded as domainlist. So, it needs to be included in senders section as domainlist and not as addresslist which is done above.
    The correct code is

    driver = manualroute
    domains = ! +localdomains
    senders = !@+exclude{underscore}sender{underscore}domains
    transport = mailchannelssmtp
    routelist = " byname"
    hostfindfailed = defer

    Please replace {underscore} with its symbol. As this commenting system is removing underscore symbol, I have labelled it in this way. You need to enter the domains to be excluded in the file /etc/excludereceiverdomains in the following format



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    Adam Paxton

    The syntax has been corrected under Excluding sender domains. Thank you for the correction in comments Ashwin!

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    Martins Jakubovics

    senders = !@+exclude_sender_domains

    Is not working for me. Exim version 4.86

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    Josh Loe

    There is an error in this.

    It should be:
    senders = !*@+exclude_sender_domains

    Tested and working now on Exim 4.87

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    Do you have workaround for this to work in current version of Exim: 4.89 with list?

    Moreover, the method for listing invidual domains is not working as well.

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    to remove postmaster@localhost, hostname , Plesk Scheduler notification mails from mailchannel
    how do we implement it for a windows server with Plesk control panel with smartermail

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    Emanuel Gonzalez

    hello, i create this rule

    discard senders = /opt/exim/deny_senders
    <------> logwrite = REJECT Sorry, too much spam from TLD

    i need exclude localdomains, any ideas?

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