By verifying domain ownership, you will gain additional administrative privileges in the MailChannels Domain Console. For example, you will be able to configure spam handling, safelists and blocklists for your entire domain.
To promote yourself to domain administrator you must login with the user you wish to promote to admin, not using Ghost Admin access.
Complete the following steps:
- Go to the Getting Started page.
- Click on the Promote a Domain Administrator panel, if it is not already open.
- Add the DNS TXT record shown in the panel at the root of your domain.
- Click the Verify button to verify the DNS TXT record has been added and complete the promotion process. The Verify link will not activate if you are using a Ghost Admin login to access this domain. You must login to your domain console with the user you wish to promote to enable the Verify button!
Note: It may take several minutes for the DNS changes to propagate. Please be patient if the verification process doesn't succeed immediately.
We use this mechanism to enable self promotion of a domain administrator because if you can control your domain's DNS, you can control where the mail is delivered. Don't worry though, domain administrators don't have access to the email of other users.
If you are not able to update your domain's DNS, please contact someone within your organization who can in order to complete this process.
Good morning, I need your help.
I have three domains that I have purchased the CloudMail Filter Inbound and I need to manage them from a single Mailchannels control panel.
What is the procedure?
Hola, yo entro como administrador para pero desde el panel de control puedo administrar otros dominios del servidor.
La pregunta es : si el cliente no va a entrar a mailchannels es necesario dar de alta esta dns txt en cada dominio?
Entiendo que yo puedo entrar a ver el panel de control en todos los dominios gestionados con mi cuenta de aeuroweb. Gracias