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Safelist MailChannels service IPs


This bulletin contains the fixed IP address list required to make the link between your mail server and MailChannels. While your main mail exchanger hostname will be pointing towards the MailChannels solution, the email needs to be delivered to your MTA(Downstream Record(s)) as the final endpoint.  

MailChannels will always use the same IP addresses to deliver email. Please ensure your firewall accepts connection for email delivery from these hosts and not from any other. In doing this, you protect the email delivery chain. All email will come from the following IP addresses only, if you discover mail delivery attempts from other IP address you should investigate and take appropriate action.

Valid IP addresses for MailChannels delivery servers

You can use these IP addresses to Safelist the MTAs connecting to your email delivery endpoints(Downstream Record(s)). Note that MailChannels is offering multiple services and the IP addresses below are used only for inbound email filtering for our customers.

MailChannels inbound email filtering MTAs IP addresses

( decommissioned 9/24/2024)                                           

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    George Tasioulis

    Where do you recommend adding those in cPanel/WHM?
    Is Exim Configuration Manager > Basic Editor > Access Lists > Only-Verify-Recipient the correct place?

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