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How To Unblock Senders

Remediate False Positive Blocking

MailChannels Outbound Filtering engine automatically blocks senders when their message traffic is flagged for confirmed abuse or suspicious activity. In cases of extreme abuse, a manual block is commonly put in place and will require a bit more effort to have removed due the more serious nature of the observed infraction.



Automated remediation occurs on all ratio based block triggers imposed by our Outbound Filter. Ratio blocking is a temporary measure taken by the system when an unusual amount of abuse is observed originating from a sender. Ratio based blocking is observed commonly on an IP address used to forward message traffic. This IP is shared by other forwarding senders and can quickly tip a spam ratio when abused. 



Step 1: MailChannels Insights

MailChannels Insights are customized NDR(non-delivery report) bounce messages which can contain a self-remediation "Not Spam" button for content related blocks.

  1. Open the Insights bounce message link to display the block summary and expose the "Not Spam" button at the top of the message.
  2. Click the "Not Spam" button 
  3. Click the "Confirm" button to submit the false positive report containing these message details. This action will clear the spam classification and your message can be resent.

Step 2: Contact Your Service Provider

Your service provider can remediate false positives for spam through their Host Console account as well as enabling and disabling our custom Insights NDR bounce messages which provide you with the "Not Spam" option for self-remediation.


Service Providers

Step 1: Host Console

The Log Search area of our Host Console can be used to locate and remediate a false positive spam block.

  1. Login to your Host Console and navigate to Outbound > Log Search.
  2. Using the Log Search bar or advanced filter options, locate the blocked message you wish to report as a false positive.
  3. You may report a false spam classification from this log entry in several different ways.
    1. Click the "See Insights bounce page" link under SMTP Response to load the "End-User" Insights Bounce Link where you can click "Not Spam" on behalf of the sender.
    2. sendInsight.png Click the Envelope icon at the top-right of the log entry to have MailChannels send another Insights bounce link to the sender, through which they can click the "Not Spam" button contained within.
    3. reportIssue.png Click the Flag icon to open the "Report an Issue" dialog popup. Give the problem a title and provide a clear description of the issue. Click the "Submit" button and your host console will create a support ticket based upon these details. Our support team will contact you and work with you to resolve the false positive blocking issues you are experiencing.
    4. Specific to [CS] or "Content Spam" blocks, you will see a "Not Spam" button on the message details log line. This button allows you to remediate directly from your Log Search results screen and without creating a support ticket.
    5. You can delist a sender which is actively being [ESA] blocked by MailChannels from the Log Search area. Locate the message log in the Log Search area of your console. Click the Flag icon to open the "Report an Issue" dialog popup. When [ESA] blocked, this area will include a "Delist Sender" button. Only click this button to remove the blocked sender from our lists, after you have secured the account and stopped the spam activity. It is important that you secure the account first or delisting will result in being blocklisted again.
      After clicking to "Delist Sender" you may complete the form to open a support ticket if needed.

Step 2: Contact MailChannels

More serious infractions require additional analysis and you may need to contact the MailChannels Support Team if an Insights message does not contain a "Not Spam" button.

  1. Email sent to will automatically generate a new help ticket and let our staff know that you require assistance. Similar to method #3 above, please include clear details of your problem and a ticket will be created based upon the included information.
  2. Alternatively, you may login to our support portal directly and create a new help ticket by clicking here.
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